Bring The Movement 5K

So the first 5K is out of the way.

If I don’t sound super excited its because I was a little underwhelmed by the total experience, and it’s been more than a month.  (FYI: I personally feel blogging needs to be in the moment or near it, lol.)

I thought I’d feel…more afterwards, some feelings of elation or excitement that I was able to complete a goal, but I was more meh… I don’t know.  Well, actually I do. One we were late,and if I could do it again, I wish I was prepared to run more yet I know I can only do what I did. But after seeing all the different people of all shapes, sizes and age groups actually running, I wished I could do more.  And yes I know if I keep the training up one day I will!

That aside it was still a pretty good first race.  See the pictures below I”m number 68. The girl clicking her heels is my good friend Jenny, the others were my co-workers Jose and Maria. It happened to be a first 5K for all of us.  So I was happy that I was able to grab 3 new victims! 🙂


Two Pounds of Talking Trash

I think somewhere about 2 post ago. I talked about not counting calories or tracking. Well here’s the truth I’m sure some of you already know. To lose weight, you need to be accountable in some form for what you’re eating. 

So I joined Weight Watchers.

Am I new to Weight Watchers? No. In fact during the meeting, the group leader Mickey stops, looks at me and says: “You’ve been here before haven’t you?” I nod yes. She then proceeds to say: “Welcome Home!”

It has actually only been a year since I left Weight Watchers, I still had my old log and everything. So how much weight did this plus size interval trainee gain in 1 year and 2 months and 4 days to be exact ?

2 pounds! 

What’s that you say? That can’t be right!?  Oh, but it is!

I laughed when I saw it. I realized I have in fact been exercising enough to maintain weight loss and if I had started maybe just a bit sooner having true accountability for the foods that I eat, I might have lost some weight.

So it’s week two for me and I weighted in yesterday. I lost 4.8 lbs, the 2 lbs and then some!

So my first 5K is this Saturday. I’m not running. I’m walking it with some friends of mine and I’m still truly excited. I don’t have a bucket list, but I’m gonna create one so I can cross it off!

Happy Wednesday All!



Cemetery Runs

So this morning was absolutely beautiful, cool, and breezy in the Chicagoland area. Not to far from me stands the Free Sons of Israel Cemetery, I walked over and went for a light jog. The graves and memorial buildings are eerily beautiful. I think I’ll be making this a regular place for running, especially when I need to just think.  Here are a few pictures I took on the way back (more to be uploaded to my panoramio as they come) :Image

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Being there made me think of my dad, and just how many of actually fallen asleep in death. It makes me wonder who these people were, and what kind of lives did they live, and what about their families now, at this exact moment, does anybody even miss them now that they are gone?  I can’t wait for the beautiful prospect our Father has given. (John 5:28, 29)  I also noticed that a few of the graves reference the “book of life” since it’s a Jewish cemetery, I wonder what that means to them exactly?

Runners Update:

I’m still at 2 miles, I think, duh! I really need to invest in something that tracks my timing and distance a little better. I can tell I’m getting stronger though, I don’t feel like my heart is going to immediately jump out of my chest and punch me in the throat after a running interval anymore. My goal is to increase my running intervals to minutes vs. 30 sec spurts.

Oh and thanks to eating A LOT better I’ve lost 3 more lbs. Yea me!

Take Care Readers, why? Because YOU ARE MADE OF AWESOME! 🙂

Powerhouse Book List

I am a list maker, a control fReAk, and a little bit obsessive compulsive.  With that being said before I embark on any journey I usually start with a  researching phase, books, blogs, magazines,and  talking to experienced people.  During this phase regards running  I saw a book at the library a.k.a  work 🙂 that literally stopped me in my tracks.  It was this book:

I thought ” what an utterly ridiculous cover” but I liked the little hint of pot belly and the winged shoes. Actually I thought ” I want some sneakers with wings to!”  Anywho, I devoured it, almost all of John’s stories about his childhood and the lost of desire when it came to sports, just reminded me of my childhood play.  John’s book helped me take my desire to run and let me know it was okay to start exactly as I currently was and without apologizing, because if I just continue eventually I won’t have to wish, I will be where I want to be. 

Here are a few of his other titles:

The Courage to Start

Running for Mortals

No Need for Speed *(More on this gem in a later post!)

Marathoning  for Mortals

Here are a  couple of other titles by other authors that I thought were pretty awesome as well: 

I Run, Therefore I am—nuts! by Bob Schwartz  —This book was Funny, Funny, Funny stuff that with training tips that won’t soon be forgotten.

Running Start to Finish by John Stanton–A very practical title, I especially love the section on injures and warming up/cooling down with pictures.

50/50 Secrets I Learned Running 50 Marathons in 50 Days by Dean Karnazes  (I haven’t read this yet, but I am VERY curious!)

My Current Training Progress:

I am indeed a  penguin, but darn proud!!  I’m at 2 miles  in 45 minutes. 4 times per week.

I’ve also decided to really kick it into higher gear with my eating habits. It’s true : Junk in/Junk Out.

I’m still fighting high blood pressure, so that’s actually my number one goal at this point.

 Let me know what YOU have been up to, I’d LOVE to hear all about it!

Until next time folks..
