Bring The Movement 5K

So the first 5K is out of the way.

If I don’t sound super excited its because I was a little underwhelmed by the total experience, and it’s been more than a month.  (FYI: I personally feel blogging needs to be in the moment or near it, lol.)

I thought I’d feel…more afterwards, some feelings of elation or excitement that I was able to complete a goal, but I was more meh… I don’t know.  Well, actually I do. One we were late,and if I could do it again, I wish I was prepared to run more yet I know I can only do what I did. But after seeing all the different people of all shapes, sizes and age groups actually running, I wished I could do more.  And yes I know if I keep the training up one day I will!

That aside it was still a pretty good first race.  See the pictures below I”m number 68. The girl clicking her heels is my good friend Jenny, the others were my co-workers Jose and Maria. It happened to be a first 5K for all of us.  So I was happy that I was able to grab 3 new victims! 🙂